Wolverhampton Commercial Waste Collections - FREE QUOTE

Wolverhampton Waste Collection

Our waste collection services can help your business dispose of all types of commercial waste. Call our team in Wolverhampton today for a free quote our services.

Wolverhampton Waste Management is one of the leading waste management services and energy recovery businesses in Britain. Consequently we are dedicated to attaining class-leading performance throughout all aspects of our business. Through initiation, service, expertise and trained competences we are dedicated to meeting requiring regulatory and stakeholder requirements and to wherever possible, help our customers in meeting the waste management strategies and objectives incumbent upon them.

The Quality Management System Policy of Wolverhampton Waste Management declares the business ‘s commitment to providing a quality waste management service by:

Conforming to customer and stakeholder requirements
Providing waste management services that ensure customer satisfaction is improved wherever possible and is restrained by experience, expertise, capability and performance.

It is our policy to execute and maintain an effective Quality Management System by boosting awareness and understanding of the system by the organization staff, and ensuring that sufficient resources and training are accessible to ensure constant development of our waste management services.
The importance of continuous improvement in the organisation will be reinforced by the setting and reviewing of goals and objectives based on:

Key performance indicators:
Stakeholders, customer and employee feedback.

The management systems are reviewed periodically by senior management and revised as and when necessary to match changes in the requirements of the business, our customers or alternative stakeholders.

The ultimate duty for Quality lies with the Local Waste Management Environment’s Board of Directors and through them it is Executive Committee. The Quality Management System is in accordance with BS EN ISO 9001

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